Projekte in Afrika

An dieser Stelle präsentieren wir ausgewählte Projekte, die wir in Afrika besucht haben. Es ist eine bunte Mischung, die von Menschen initiiert wurde, die ihr Herzblut in diese Projekte gegeben haben. Es sind tolle Projekte, die von faszinierenden Persönlichkeiten geleitet werden.

Wir haben all diese Projekte besucht und waren begeistert von dem Engagement der Menschen, die hinter diesen Einrichtungen stehen. Und mit Bewunderung können wir sagen, sie bewegen etwas.

Kampiringisa – Uganda

Touching the lives of children unfairly and unjustly imprisoned. Giving a hopeful future to former child prisoners in a loving home.

Every week we take clothes and food to support the children at Kampiringisa National Rehabilitation Center for youth. Visits include worship, teaching, basic medical care, vitamin distribution, singing and loving. Once a month Foodstep organizes a party on a Saturday with real meat, vegetables and fruit, music and dance, sports and recreation. In addition we take care of regular hair shaving; distributing sanitary pads and other toiletries; providing school fees for more than 100 children; organizing visiting medical teams and dentists; arranging medical treatment and surgery…


Springs of Hope Children’s Home – Kenia

Springs of Hope Children’s Home is a family run charity with a vision to aid orphaned, homeless, disadvantaged children in Maralal. Springs of Hope was established in 2006 by a local Kikiku woman who is also the mother of 3 young girls, Grace N Kiboi. Our goal is to provide physical, educational, emotional and spiritual care for our children in a loving Christian home environment so that each one will become responsible, productive citizens of Kenya and the world. I



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